Tuesday, April 30, 2013

An Interview with Paula Harvey

Hey guys!
So, a while back (I'M SO BEHIND ON EVERYTHING, GEEZ!) young adult book writer and aspiring filmmaker Paula Harvey wrote to me about doing an interview with her, and I was totally psyched she asked! Paula is the writer of the new South Louisiana High School book series (which you can buy on Amazon), and also has a rad Twitter and a website. I got to interview her about some her inspirations, her book series, and some great advice for young writers! She put it all into the SUPER cute video below!
                                                    You can also watch the interview over at Paula's website

EEEEP, WASN'T THAT ADORBS? Thanks so much to Paula for answering the questions, and for the rad video! Be sure to check out the South Louisiana High School series, and I'll be back with more ~bloggin' babe~ interviews in the future!

Psychedelic Daisy

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