Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Petey and Vickie and Me

Here is my Vickie (read the previous post, y'all) inspired outfit (using only things I had on hand), the day after I watched Reality Bites and was still freaking out over how I was laughing alone at night while watching that movie (something I only do when watching The Facts of Life).
Radddddddddddd. I am so happy my brotha took these at the car wash! ^.^

I found the bowling shirt that you can't really see in the first two pictures at the ~*****Thrift Store****** ~. It is one of the best purchases ever. I call it "Petey", and it is my BABY.

 Glasses: Buffalo Exchange
"Petey" bowling shirt of awesomeness: thrifted
Belt: Ross
Dress: Ande Monster on Etsy
Bag: Wal-Mart (SHAME!)
Tights: Forever 21
Shoes: hand-me-down Converse

I am really proud of this picture. It has something behind the dandelions that looks like barfed up rainbow Trix.

 If it is, rainbow Trix barf looks really cool.

Psychedelic Daisy

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